MUDr.Peter Bednarčík, CSc.

Hand and Wrist Joint Inflammation

Do you suffer from severe pain in the joints of your hand or wrist? Are there signs such as swelling, stiffness or redness? You may suffer from an inflammatory joint disease which can lead to limited mobility and deformities of the joint.

Characteristics of Hand and Wrist Joint Inflammation and its Causes

Inflammation of hand and wrist joints can be infectious or non-infectious. The most common cause of non-infectious inflammation of small hand and wrist joints is rheumatoid arthritis. Exhaustion, weakness, lack of appetite and higher temperature are among the first symptoms.

Inflammation inside the joint causes swelling, pain and stiffness. The skin in the area tends to be warmer to the touch, and if the inflammation lasts a long time, it leads to damage to the cartilage and bone, so that there is destruction to the bone.

In most severe cases, layers of the articular surface disappear. That leads to deformities of the joint – such as when fingers turn towards the little-finger-side of the hand. Osteophytes also might grow on the finger joints.

The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is a disorder of the autoimmune system. The disease restricts the patient in performing everyday activities and can lead to permanent disability.

The risk factors for development of rheumatoid arthritis are:

  • Excess weight and obesity,
  • injuries,
  • excess strain on the joints by inappropriate and repeated movement.

Hand and Wrist Joint Inflammation Treatment – Rid yourself of the Pain

Treatment of infectious inflammation of hand or wrist joints is managed by administering drugs for eliminating the specific determined agent.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is based on reducing pain and decelerating progression of the disease. Disease Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs (DMARDs), non-steroid anti-rheumatics and corticosteroids are administered.

Support treatment may consist of 3D pulsed therapy and ultrasound therapy, laser, polarised light, galvanisation or thermotherapy.

Adjustments to patient’s environment and lifestyle are therapeutically important. Preventive measures lie within complex care of the immune system.

3D Biomag pulse therapy helps treat inflammation of hand and wrist joints.