MUDr.Peter Bednarčík, CSc.

Temporomandibular (Jaw Joint) Pain

Do you suffer from pain in the area of your jaw joint? Does it radiate into your teeth, neck or head? Can you hear a clicking or popping noise and feel restriction when you open your mouth? One of the jaw joint disorders may be at fault

Characteristics of Temporomandibular Pain and its Causes

The jaw, or temporomandibular, joint (TMJ) is one of the most complicated and busy joints in the body.

Pain in the joint may appear while using the jaw or even at rest. It may be present only in the joint or radiate into the neck, teeth, head or the ear. Sometimes, clicking or popping noises can be heard, or restriction can be felt when opening the mouth.

Causes of development of the disease and consequential pain of the jaw joint may vary.

The issues may arise as a result of injury, arthrosis or arthritis. Clenching one’s teeth due to stress may lead to temporomandibular pain. Change of bite as a result of tooth extraction or application of wrong filling may also cause issues.

Cooperation of specialists from multiple medical fields (like dentistry, ENT, physiotherapy or psychology) is often necessary in order to correctly determine the cause of pain.

Temporomandibular Pain Treatment – Rid yourself of the Pain

Treatment may be lengthy and requires the patient to be tolerant.

Conservative treatment leads to calming an acute stage. Rest in the form of reducing the amount of opening one’s mouth and a soft diet is recommended along with non-steroid anti-phlogistics to mitigate pain.

In case the cause of temporomandibular pain is due to structural changes (like arthrosis), symptoms might be reduced.

With functional disorders (like the feeling of the head or the joint popping out of the socket, or pain caused by muscle strain) physiotherapy can treat the cause of the issue.

Treatment of jaw joint pain consists of manual treatment of soft tissues surrounding the temporomandibular pain, head and cervical spine; Then, in mobilising the jaw joint and, especially, from special exercises.

Various tools are sometimes utilised, e.g. a bite splint. In more serious cases, local injections are administered. Severe cases require surgical intervention.

3D Biomag pulsed therapy significantly helps with the rehabilitation treatment of temporomandibular pain in both the acute stage and the after treatment.