MUDr.Peter Bednarčík, CSc.

Tonsillitis, Hoarseness, Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI)

Is your throat sore? Are you hoarse?  Do you suffer from rhinitis, swollen lymph nodes and fever? It may be a case of tonsillitis or upper respiratory tract infection. It is recommended to see your physician when you suspect tonsillitis in order to prevent possible complications.

Characteristics of Tonsillitis, Hoarseness, Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI) and its Causes

Tonsillitis is an infection of the palatine tonsils. It is symptomized by painful swallowing, hoarseness, nausea, and swollen lymph nodes. Bacteria from the Streptococcus genus, viruses or yeast are usually the cause.

It is an infectious airborne disease, which is caused by droplet infection.  Underestimating it is not advisable as it may have serious complications, like abscess, kidney failure, or rheumatic fever.

Cold, rhinitis and other uncomplicated upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) are the most frequent form of infectious disease in the world.

They are symptomized by coughing, sore throat, rhinitis and fever. Other possible symptoms are muscle pain, fatigue, headaches and loss of appetite.

Infections caused by human rhinovirus (HRV) may lead to serious secondary complications.

In children, the most common infections are middle ear infection, sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma and cystic fibrosis affecting the lower respiratory tract.

Infections caused by human rhinovirus (HRV) are especially dangerous to the elderly, transplant patients, newborns and small children.

Tonsillitis, Hoarseness, URTI Treatment – Rid yourself of the Issue

Targeted antibiotic treatment is recommended in cases where the cause is bacterial. Surgical removal of the palatine tonsils may be recommended if tonsillitis reoccurs.

Priessnitz compress is a good way to relieve a sore throat.

Even in the modern-day era, there are no known drugs that will shorten the length of infection by human rhinovirus (HRV).

Treatment aims at supressing symptoms. This is achieved through administering analgesics, which mitigate pain, and antipyretics, such as Ibuprofen for example, which reduce fever. Rest and increased fluid intake are important as well.

Application of Biomag 3D pulse therapy can positively affect many of the symptoms of these diseases, mainly swollen mucous membranes, but also accelerate reparation of the ciliated epithelium, dilate the respiratory tract and supress inflammation.