Everyone has surely experienced toothache at some point in their lives, or probably will. Whatever is the reason for toothache, it always means very unpleasant times. Seeing your dentist is the best course of action.

Characteristics of Toothache and its Causes

Toothache is a very common issue for both children and adults.

Toothache can be mild, strong or excruciating.  The pain can spread from the affected area to other parts of the head. The pain often attacks when least convenient.

Most common causes of toothache may be:

  • damage to the tooth (dental caries, a chipped tooth),
  • damage to the enamel,
  • inflammation of the tooth nerve,
  • damage to the soft tissue surrounding teeth (inflammation of the gums, parodontitis, …),
  • dental plaque.

Toothache Treatment – Rid yourself of the Pain

The most basic preventative measure for toothache is a regular 6-month check-up at your dentist’s office.

Daily and thorough dental hygiene is of the utmost importance. When seeing your dental hygienist, you will be given tips on how to avoid dental caries and what the best tools and preparations for proper dental hygiene are.

To temporarily mitigate pain before you get to see your dentist, analgesics (Paracetamol, Nurofen, Ibuprofen…) may be used.

Natural varieties include cloves, garlic, tea tree oil and cold compress which may supress pain.

3D Biomag pulsed therapy helps in the acute stage to mitigate pain as additional analgesic treatment and after dentist’s intervention to resolve swelling, inflammation and to accelerate healing.

Do not apply while the tooth socket is bleeding after extraction!