MUDr.Peter Bednarčík, CSc.

Ménière’s syndrome and disease

Do you feel pressure in your ear or hear a ringing noise? Do you have sudden bouts of vertigo, have trouble getting up and lose your balance? Then you may suffer from Ménière’s disease. A disease that is not curable, but early diagnosis and your doctor’s intervention might successfully achieve suppression of symptoms.

Characteristics of Ménière’s Syndrome and Disease and its Causes

Ménière’s disease affects the inner ear and vestibular apparatus.

There is dysfunction in an area of the inner ear, specifically the endolymphatic sac. Due to accumulation of endolymph, pressure increases and causes disorders in the auditory system and vestibular apparatus.

The disease occurs mainly in patients between the ages of 30 and 60.

There are three major symptoms:

  • tinnitus,
  • deafness,
  • and vertigo (dizziness).

The symptom more significant than the two others is a fit of rotary vertigo, which is very fluctuating and is usually preceded by aura. It reaches peak intensity within a few minutes and lasts two to three hours in average. These are fits of dizziness, which are accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

The other two symptoms – tinnitus and deafness are usually unilateral. Tinnitus tends to be permanent or intermittent.

Deafness exacerbates as the disease progresses and does not improve. After repeated attacks, the deafness may become complete.

The cause of this disease is not clear. Smoking, alcohol consumption, excessive use of salt and overwork may have some effect.

Ménière’s Syndrome and Disease Treatment – Rid yourself of the Pain

There is no causal treatment (treatment of the cause). Symptomatic treatment is focused on suppressing the symptoms.

In the period of attacks medication suppressing nausea and vomiting is administered.  The patient should avoid any form of strain and is advised to hydrate well in case of severe vomiting.

Medicaments regulating the composition of endolymph are recommended.

If all other options fail, surgical intervention is indicated.

Lifestyle should be adjusted, salt intake reduced as well as caffeine and alcohol. Suitable physical and sport activity is recommended.

3D Biomag pulsed therapy helps supress symptoms of Ménière’s disease. Its goal is to improve microcirculation in the inner ear and to create better conditions for healing and normal functionality.